Muslim Girls visit Istanbul – EMU Youth Progrmme 2010

Within this years EMU Youth Activities Programme, a group of Muslim girls visited Istanbul where they spent 10 days and were hosted by our partner “Shefkat College” and the Municipality of Istanbul.

The following is a report by the leader of the group, Hajja Iman Travieso.

“From 19 to the 29 of last July, ten young European Muslim girls have enjoyed for a few days a stay in the fantastic city of Istanbul, during an unforgettable trip organized by EMU.

During their stay they have walked every day the historical streets of Istanbul, visited its museums, prayed salat in its grand mosques, haggled in its colourful bazaars and markets and have been soaked into the history and the customs of the glorious civilization that bloomed in that land for centuries, under the rule of the Ottoman Dawlat.

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