Opening event of OPEN in Rome

Rome (EMU) – In cooperation with the European Union and 6 European non-governmental organizations we are participating in a two-year project (OPEN) to research the online radicalization of young people in Europe. A field study will examine in particular the social situation of young Muslims in the cities of Strasbourg, Rome, Nice, Alicante and Stockholm.

In this project EMU represents the perspective of Muslim civil society in Europe. Above all, we want to avail ourselves of the important expertise of European Muslim experts, organizations and mosque communities. At the opening event in Rome at the end of January the project was coordinated and discussed with all the partners involved.

EMU participates in the various work packages of OPEN. In addition to a detailed report on the role of social media in the radicalization of young people there will also be information events and various online offers.

Interested Muslim organizations can get more information from our media department.

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