29. Apr 2015
At the invitation of the Government of Azerbaijan the EMU took part in a conference in Baku on the role of Islam in the modern age on 16th and 17th April.
BAKU (EMU) – EMU-Chairman Abu Bakr Rieger took part in panel 3 on the challenges of international terrorism. Rieger opened the meeting with a short speech. Several experts then explained the activities, experiences and problems of States and Muslims – particularly in the area of the former Soviet Union.
The problem of terrorism was examined in the light of globalization and the various identity crises. Modern ideologies spread by Muslims destroy old traditions and established schools of thought in Islam. Rieger presented the position of the EMU: “The best protection against terrorism and radicalization is the good education of Muslims”. “All legal schools of Islam,” Rieger stated, “would have afforded – if practiced – reliable protection against ideology and terror for centuries.”